STANDARD, QUALITY, TIME FRAME, PROCESS OF PROCUREMENT AND LOCATION Client Description of Product/Service Quality Process of procurement & Time frame Location Federal Government,
State and Local Governments, Ministerial Departments, Parastatals e.t.c · Research information for policy
formulation, which includes publications, patent and reports. · Services of staff in National
and international Scientific Committees, · Provision of high quality planting
materials, processing equipment, advisory services to National, State and Local Government Agricultural programs Products and
Services are of international standard benchmark. Services are
immediately available on demand but in the case of products such as planting materials, processing equipment, order period
of 3 – 9 months are required depending on the type and volume of product. Main Station:
KM 7, Substations
and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu,Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae,
Umuabi, Wamba Non –Governmental
organizations, Co-operative Societies, Trade organizations (WIPO, NOTAP, RP&D of Federal Republic of Nigeria) ·
to plan palm production and processing programmes, ·
hybrid planting materials, ·
data and other information on research invention and industry status, e.t.c. Products and
Services are of international standard benchmark. Services are
immediately available on demand but in the case of products such as planting materials, processing equipment, order period
of 3 – 9 months are required depending on the type and volume of product. Main Station:
KM 7, Substations
and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu, Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and
Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. Small, medium
and Large scale farmers of Palms and Shea. · Feasibility studies of soil suitability,
field establishment and management, pest/disease management, · · Soil survey and soil fertility
management · Weed management and control · Supply of hybrid planting materials, · Supply and installation of palmwine
bottling plant · Supply and installation of 1.0-1.5
ton fresh fruit bunch/hr and 0.1-0.25ton fresh fruit bunch/hr processing equipment, 60nuts per hour coconut processing eqipment
and post-installation maintenance services. Products and
Services are of international standard benchmark. Service periods
depend on mutually agreed time with the customer/Client but in the case of products such as planting materials, processing
equipment,order period of 3 – 9 months are required depending on the type and volume of product. Main Station:
KM 7, Substations
and Experimental Stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu, Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and
Umuabi, Wamba. Private sectors
involved in downstream processing of palm products. · Project feasibility study, · Environmental impact assessment
studies, · Development of quality assurance
procedures, · Research and Development for new
products and redesign of old products, · Sourcing of palm products for
downstream processing, e.t.c. Products and
Services are of international standard benchmark. Service periods
depend on mutually agreed time with the customer/Client but in the case of products such as planting materials, order period
of 3 – 9 months are required depending on the type and volume of product. Main Station:
KM 7, Substations
and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu, Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. |
Client Description of Product/Service Quality Process of procurement
& Time frame Location Patrons of Institute products such as : High yielding, early maturing, disease resistant/Fusarium tolerant Tenera
hybrid oil palm variety with yields of 15-18tonnes fresh fruit bunch per hectare and 3-3.5 tonnes of palm oil per hectare. High yielding, early maturing, disease tolerant planting materials of Coconut,
Date, Raphia palms. Also high sap (For palm wine) yielding Raphia materials are available. Products are of the highest standard and currently the best in the industry especially
in terms of adaptability to local environment. Products are available on demand. Order period varies as follows: Sprouted seeds: 3months Seedlets: 3 months Seedlings: 9months Main
Station: KM 7, Substations and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu,
Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. 2. Small scale oil palm fruit bunch processing equipment of capacities 0.1, 0.25,
0.5, 1.0 tonnes fresh fruit bunches per hour. Sterilizers, strippers, digester screw press, clarifyer, Nut fibre separator, Nut
cracker, Kernel shell separator, Palm kernel oil expeller e.t.c. High quality products, user & eco-friendly, robust and long lasting. Products are available on effective
demand. Order period is between 6 and 9months depending on product type and volume Main Station: KM 7, Substations and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu,
Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. 3. Coconut small scale
processing equipment Coconut dehusking lever, Coconut meat grater, Rotary dryer for coconut
meat, Coconut oil expeller. User and eco-friendly, robust and long lasting. Products are made of stainless and mild steel. Products are available on effective demand. Order period is between 3 and 6 months
depending on product type and volume. Main Station: KM 7, Substations and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu,
Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. 4. Palmwine bottling plant. Palmwine purification and dispensing unit, manual corker, and pasteurizer Products are available in stainless and mild steel. Products are of international
standard benchmark. Products are available on effective demand. Order period varies between 3 and 6
months depending on product type and volume. Main Station: KM 7, Substations and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu,
Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. 5. Soap production plant Soap kettle ( 1 to 5 tonnes/day), Soap cooling frames, soap flaking machine, Z-mixer
agglomerators, Roll mills, simplex and duplex plodders, pneumatic soap stamping machines, Water chilling and circulation plant
and moulds. Products are available in stainless and mild steel. Products are of international
standard benchmark. Products are available on effective demand. Order period varies from Main Station: KM 7, Substations and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu,
Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. 6. Palm oil Special palm oil. Free fatty acids 3-5%, Peroxide value <10meq/kg, moisture <0.1%, dirt <0.01% Available on effective demand. Order period depends on volume of request. Main Station: KM 7, Substations and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu,
Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. 7. Palm wine Special palm wine of oil palm and Raphia origin. <2% alcohol, Acidity 0.2-3%, Protein 0.05%, Yeast 10.9%, Amino acids 10mg/100ml. Also rich in vitamins B1, B2 and B6. shelf-life>1year, Available on request. Order period varies and depends on volume Main Station: KM 7, Substations and Experimental stations in Abak, Badagry, Dutse, Onuebum, Acharu,
Agbarho, Otegbo, Onishere, Ubiaja, Darazo, Nsukka and Ago-Emokpae, Umuabi, Wamba. Enter supporting content here |