1.0 NAME OF PARASTATAL Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR)
2.0 LOCATION Head Office: KM 7, Benin-Akure Road, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria Contact Office: 136, Ugbowo Lagos Road, Benin City. Postal Address: P.M.B. 1030, Benin City, Edo State. Website: www.nifor.org e.mail: info@nifor.org
3.0 VISION To remain an international center of excellence in palms research and development.
4.0 MISSION STATEMENT To support the Nigerian palms industry to Ø enable the nation attain self sufficiency in palm oil production and regain the leading position in international oil palm production and trade in the commodity; Ø bring other palms such as Coconut, Date, Raphia and unexploited palms to greater economic importance; Ø bring other oil bearing tree crops such as shea to greater economic importance; Ø ensure availability of cutting-edge technologies such as high quality hybrid planting materials, user-friendly processing and utilization technologies, highly trained responsive manpower and effective technology dissemination.
5.0 DETAILS OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY THE ORGANIZATION The business of the Institute includes: · fundamental study of the mandate crops: Oil palm, Coconut palm, Raphia palm, Date palm, other palms and Shea · improvement of genetic potentials of the specified crops, and production of their seeds for distribution to farmers; · improvement of agronomic and husbandry practices including planting, cultivation, harvesting and soil fertility management techniques, farming systems in relation to cultivation methods; · study of the ecology of pests and diseases of the mandate crops and development of their control measures; · mechanization and improvement of the methods of cultivation, harvesting, processing, preservation & storage of products of our mandate crops; · improvement of the utilization of by-products; · design and fabrication of simple implements, machines and equipment for post-harvest processing; · integration of the cultivation methods of the mandate crops into farming systems in different ecological zones and its socio-economic effects on the rural population; and · any other matter relating to production, processing and utilization of palm products of our mandate crops. Deriving from her mandate, the Institute: · produces seeds and seedlings of the mandate crops for distribution to farmers; · manufactures small scale processing equipment for palm fruits, coconuts, palm wine bottling, soap making, date juice extraction and bottling. · undertakes agricultural extension services through liaison with Federal and State agencies, primary agricultural producers, industries, and other users of research results ; · organises technical and vocational courses in palm production and related fields · provides laboratory and other technical services to farmers, agro-based industries and other parties requiring these services; · collaborates with research institutes, Universities and other relevant organizations Other industry oriented services include: Ø soil and foliar analysis for soil fertility management and pests and diseases diagnoses and control for small holder farmers and large estates, Ø feasibility studies, general consulting and management services for plantation development and mill installation. 6.0 DETAILS OF CUSTOMERS OR CLIENTS i. Federal Government, State and Local Governments, Ministerial Departments, Parastatals e.t.c ii. Non-Governmental Organizations, Cooperative Societies, Trade Organizations [World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), NOTAP, Registry of Patents and Designs of Nigeria e.t.c.] iii. Small, medium and large scale farmers of Palms and Shea iv. Organized private sector involved in downstream processing of palms products v. International and regional organizations e.g. UNDP, EEC, NEPAD, AU, ECOWAS, FAO e.t.c. vi. Research and Development organizations and tertiary institutions vii. Development partners/financiers of industrial projects and programs e.g. World Bank, African Development Bank, UNDP, FAO, AFOPDA e.t.c. viii. International and National Research documentation bodies e.g. libraries, publishers e.t.c. ix. Patrons of Institute products and Services .
8.0 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM AND HOW TO ACCESS IT Grievance redress mechanism is well entrenched in the Institute’s administration. Grievances of public ( clients, customers e.t.c.), staff and other stakeholders are received at the Office of the Executive Director of the Institute and forwarded to the concerned official(s) or committee(s) who deal with the substantive functions linked with the grievance for redress. The responsible officer "takes up" the grievance and ‘follows-up’ until its final disposal. On the basis of grievance received, the internal management committee identifies areas in the Institute operations that are complaint-prone. These problem areas are then carefuly examined and remedial measures are recommended to the Department, Division or Unit concerned. The Office of the Executive Director of the Institute is accessible every week to receive complaints. The Institute also maintains a website (www.nifor.org with an e-mail address: info@nifor.org ) where such complaints may be posted.
9.0 EXPECTATIONS FROM ‘CUSTOMERS’ OR ‘CLIENTS’ The customers expect the 1. Institute to deliver ordered products on time and according to agreed standards and quality and full refund of deposit in the event of failure to meet her obligations. 2. continuous service delivery with improvement in all aspects through research and development. The Institute expects the customers/clients to: 1. make full payment for services to be rendered, 2. request for products and services on time and 3. be explicit on the required product or services. 4. visit the Institute’s website for update of available products and services.